Employment right's Bill - Write to your mp
The Labour Government has tabled their flagship Employment Right's Bill which is a welcome move for cementing the right to flexible working and improving workers rights across the board. ​However, the current proposals would only allow workers to compress their working hours rather than reduce them which we have found is crucial for improving work-life balance and also maintaining productivity.
Compressing the same amount of hours into four-days rather than five can be a first step on the road to a true four-day week but reducing overall working hours is key.​​ What is missing from the bill is a genuine commitment to explore a true four-day working week.
We've been working with the Labour MP Peter Dowd to table an amendment that would do just that - by commiting the Government to set up a new Working Time Council that would provide advice and make recommendations on how a transition could be made from a five-day working week to a four-day working week with no impact on pay.
Now we need to get as many MPs on board as possible to support the amendment. You can help us by writing, tweeting or speaking directly to your Member of Parliament to tell them that the four-day week is a key policy concern for you and to ask them to sign Peter Dowd's amendment.
Take action: ContacT your MP
Find out the contact details for your local MP by entering your postcode HERE.
Template email
To help you get started, we've drafted a template email to use as a guide for what to include.
You can access the template email HERE.