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Four-Day Week Employer Accreditation scheme

The 4 Day Week Foundation offers accreditation to UK employers who have moved all of their employees to a four-day working week, with no loss of pay. Please fill out this form if your company/organisation would like to become an accredited four-day week employer.


When you become accredited as a 4 Day Week Employer, you will:


- Be listed on our 4 Day Week Employers webpage, which is the official list of UK four-day week employers










- Receive a copy of the 4 Day Week Employer logo for use on your website, a graphic stating your accreditation for use on social media, and a certificate to celebrate your accreditation

- Be promoted across our social media channels

- Be supported in maximising media coverage of any announcements

- Have the opportunity to take part in media interviews


- Benefit from an increase in job applications

In order to achieve four-day week accreditation, employers must be able to confirm their organisation has permanently reduced its full-time hours, with no loss of pay for workers, to either:


A 32 hour or less four-day week* - Gold standard

*This can include spreading the 32 hours over five days


A 35 hour or less four-day week - Silver standard


There is a one-off fee for accreditation which goes towards supporting the work of our organisation. However, if this is a barrier to joining the scheme, please let us know and we will try to come to an arrangement.


On the Accreditation Licence form you will be asked to make a transfer according to the size of your organisation:

- 0-19 employees: £120
- 20-100 employees: £220
- 101-500 employees: £320
- 500+ employees: £520


If you have any questions about it, please email: sam [@]



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